donderdag 18 september 2008

Megan Fox's Old Flame, A Female Stripper Named Nikita...

Sultry "Transformers" star Megan Fox once had a fling with a female stripper named Nikita. But she's not a lesbian, mind you. Seriously, do I really need to put more than that one first sentence?

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woensdag 17 september 2008

The 10 Greatest Toy Lines Without Cartoons

From the Power Lords to the Starriors, these toys were so awesome they didn't need a cartoon to shill them.

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dinsdag 9 september 2008

Russia in legal bid to ban South Park

Prosecutors in Russia want to ban the award-winning satirical U.S. cartoon South Park, calling the series "extremist" after receiving viewer complaints, a spokeswoman said on Monday.

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